So here is the next Sassy scarf. The cat paw ends are fun to make, and I like how the felted wool fans the weave out a little, making the whole enterprise a little more irregular. I admit that I am a weaver who prizes irregularity, when I can get it. It's not an easy effect, and it doesn't come from long practice, or maybe it does, but it requires taking the chance that it may look like an unintentional mistake. It may be unintentional, but when I smile at what I see, then I'm satisfied, and if self-satisfaction isn't sassy, then I don't know what is. Happy Solstice!
everything looks lovely there. happy holidays to you!
Talk about snuggly -- and attitude or would that be Cattiude?
Great colors during the time when the world goes more monochromatic.
Wishing you, Susan, a lovely, lovely New Year filled with good health, joy, prosperity, and good weaving!
Sosser, Jane,
Thank you, and happy new year. Colors, neutrals, come and go--attitude usually carries the day.
Great word, "Cattitude" and I know a few good examples of that!
You are so good with cheerful colors!
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