I'm working hard on my Depression inspired mattress ticking stripe repp weave. During the Great Depression, those with any thing to hang onto often hid it under the mattress, so this seems like the time to make humble things in ticking stripes. The actual warping of the little project has not been going well, is taking so much more time than I'd anticipated, and may not work at all in the end. I'm feeling a queasiness about spending so much time on it, and yet, something draws me on...
Meanwhile, I forgot my cares and visited my daughter,
Sofie. We had a lovely afternoon on a bitter cold day. She made for me a plate with seedy toasted bread, spread with mild goat cheese and honey. Fresh pressed coffee, then, and sliced bosc pears.
O are those momos in the photo?
If so I envy you.
We made some but they were not as good as the ones from Himal Chuli.
Sounds like a lovely mother-daughter visit. Your lunch looks superb, as is the light in your daughter's place.
Momocha, yes!
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