Today I'm weaving some very skinny cotton rag strips, a scant 3/8 inch wide, in a cotton warp. Some of the rag weave is mixed with linen yarn. Birds are singing outside the window. A mother and father cardinal are trying to help their young fledged birds to the black sunflower seeds in the feeder. The adolescents flutter their wings for attention, to be fed one seed from a parent, instead of putting their own beaks down, and picking up a seed. I wonder if the parent cracks the seed for the young one? (Daniel thinks they are doing more than just cracking, that they are chewing and regurgitating seeds for the young birds. Nature isn't always pretty).
THIS is what I'm thinking of! Similar colors, white cotton warp, and the 3rd picture with the white and little bits of black pattern looks good. Is is a bag or a runner? How many epi? what pattern did you thread it?
Is it too lightweight to be used on the floor? Okay, done with questions. If I weren't so worn out from the day I'd start cutting strips for the weft; the first picture inspired me. Thanks, mom.
Good! Glad you feel inspired! It's a nothing special warp, I think it's 12 epi. The cotton warp is 5/2, not rug warp, but this will be thin enough to cut and sew into something to-be- determined. What I'm doing is a little thin for a rug, but you could cut the rags a little wider for rug weight. I think you left me the gold and orange stripe sheet the last time you were here
i love what you're doing here! can't wait to see more. totally inspiring, my friend.
thanks, Brittany.
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