Monday, April 19, 2010


New blooms on a more structured trellis, another transparency of linen and paper.  This one is going to Berlin!  Some sections were woven by passing 5 individual linen filled pirns back and forth by hand, no shuttle.  Now, the rya paper knots are reduced, for the simpler flower.  The knots are flat on the back of the weave, and look like stitches.  Ends are tied and twisted, held down by my sad iron,  then stitched back to make loops to slide over a birch twig hanger. An even dozen, like eggs, like roses, like 12 hours.


Lynn said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

barbindell said...

Love the green, beautiful Susuan

Velma Bolyard said...

really wonderful. like the subtle greens happening, so springlike.

riverweave said...

estupendo! a perfect Earth day piece.

Susan said...

Would have been even more "estupendo" if I'd woven the asteroid falling to earth right over Avalanche!

Kit said...

What an absolutely gorgeous piece!

Anna Emilia said...

These are so very charming. Maybe one day my tablecloth too starts to bloom (:

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Your barn loom is wonderful also. Did you put a finish on the loom? I have an old loom and was wondering if I should put something on it.I know you have talked about the loom before anymore on the finish I would appreciate.
