My second sack! The Tree Sack.
Ursula reminded me of the old riddle, Kits, Cats, Sacks and Wives, which now keeps going through my head (As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, each cat had seven kits.....Kits, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St. Ives? One). My riddle is how many sacks would a weaver weave, if a weaver would weave sacks?
I love this bag! It looks so substantial with the handweaving. I think a weaver could weave a lot of sacks!
Oh man, now I'll be saying that to myself as I weave my next one. Doni has collected a group of pics of people who have made her bag- they all look great.
and for your next inspiration...
quick! quick! the cat's been sick!
where? where? under the chair!
hasten! hasten! fetch the basin!
oh no, it's all in vain
for she has licked it up again
You make the cutting and the sewing look so easy, while I have night sweats just thinking about it!
these sacks are beautiful.
Yes, it's a good design, and can look so different depending on what you decide to weave. Check Doni's blog to see the pattern, and some of the other sacks that she inspired
Ursula! Are we talking about your cat here....?
So lovely. Me thinks it will be awhile before we have explored all the possibilities this bag has to offer. Sounds like play time to me.
Haven't we been playing already?
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