Our neighbors are gone for a few days, so we are doing the animal chores. Blue Lace Wyandotte chickens, feed & water.

Hay for Thistle and Violet, a little feed, and check water. They won't drink much. Rub their heads.

Half-a-bale-a-day of hay, and water for the sheep.

Cattle. Count. Two. Already in the shade.

Chica, usually on the porch. Cat food in her dish, and a little petting. Day 1. So far no one has died, been rustled, or run away. I hope I didn't forget anybody.
Sounds like you'll have a great time with these barn friends. My mom has Blue Lace Wyandottes, aren't they beautiful?
"silver" lace Wyandottes, my neighbors corrected me.
& to think I was about to call them "Blue Lace Winged Wyandottes" Would it have killed me to google that?
Just lazy. Now I'm sure I've wrecked my blog cred.
Everyone survived!
I hope they go on vacation again while I'm home. Did I tell you that I've regressed to wanting (needing) a goat?
I though Blue Laced sounded foreign... I think your blog cred is still intact :)
Thanks, Brittany. Still, I'm going to try harder.
Sofie, Can't wait! But, remember, Mama don't 'low no nanny goats around here. We've been over this before...
Looks like you´re enjoying yourself over there with all the beautiful animals!!! Have a nice time :)
Hannah, it's end of summer now, but I wish I could come back to Finland again, because it is so romantic, and such a beautiful light
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