Now we have a mouse who rolls hickory nuts from the kitchen into a cupboard door in the bathroom
every night. We have set a trap with a smorgasbord of delights, peanut butter and cheese, but he / she's resisted that temptation so far. Mama Kitty sleeps while he trundles nuts past her on the maple floor boards. This is a persistent mouse, a mouse with magical thinking. Magically the nuts are going to fit under the door.
The mouse story is a hoot! But, please do tell, where in the kitchen does the mouse find the nuts to roll?
Your new work is beautiful, as always.
Have you tried chocolate in the trap? No kidding, Belgian mice love chocolate.
I like your work very much.
Dutch mice love bread
beautiful weaves
Virginia mice love pancake mix. My cat is available for hire if you can stand the noise.
Your work is so unique, I love it.
Dell mice don't seem to like much in the way of "treats"--come get my cat--she is close--oops, she is old and slow!!!
i think i know your mouse...s/he commutes between your northern place and mine.
I LOVE my new scarf, arrived in the mail yesterday even more beautiful than the images. I can't wait to wear it out tomorrow and show it off! I love the mouse story. My seven year old will love seeing the picture. Strange!
Wow the stuff you did on the loom is impressive. It looks well made and is is incredibly beautiful. Wonderful work.
We just got home from a trip to the mountains in Northern Arizona. Back to weaving! Our mouse is still at large, the hickory nut carton completely emptied, again, but no sign of where he's put the nuts now. We didn't remove the nuts because we wanted to see what path he was taking, so we could strategically set the traps. First night back, and he emptied both traps of cheese. We have seen him, a small gray field mouse with bell ears! Very wily.
Thanks for all the compliments, and the mouse advice!
So far he has us beat.
You were just here?! Dang.... someday we will meet!
Maybe that wily mouse is hoping that somebody will step on the nuts in the hallway, so that she can fit them into her hole!
So, this beautiful scarf is already gone? Someday I will buy one!!
Julie, we were up in your neighborhood. I was with family going to a reunion, and there was no extra time. I kept saying, I know a weaver who lives around here,looking around to see you by accident. We were at the mine shaft in Jerome, the one that is deeper than twice the height of the Empire State building, standing on a glass panel looking down into it. Not because I loved it, but because there was a sudden rainstorm (!) and we had to stand there to avoid getting soaked. Yikes. I hate heights. Or, depths.
I love this story of the Sisyphean mouse, and shared it with my 4-year-old son.
What happened next? he asked.
The only thing that could happen: He got up the next night and tried again, I said.
If it was last Thursday through Sunday, I was indeed there! A stones throw from you! Well... if you have a good throwing arm :) !
I work at Nellie Bly ( the kaleidoscope store).
Next time!
Rachel, Sysyphean is right! Sweet to know a 4 yr old takes an interest.
Julie, We walked by the kaleidoscope store just before we went down to the mine. If I had walked in, would I have recognized you?
You might have! I almost always have some sort of eco printed shirt on..... at least this time of year.
But it would be more likely that I would recognize you, since I've seen more photos of you.
Perhaps I should start weaving myself clothes for work, then you wouldn't be able to miss me! :)
Perhaps I should just start weaving.... period! I think that my arm is healed up enough. I'll have a go at it after I get back from the wedding
I was thinking of you only an hour ago, and day dreaming about a shrug made in your signature rosepath inserted weaving style... and then it meandered off into one of my weavings and some new ideas were popping into my head for finishing techniques for a shrug. I am definitely antsy to get back to weaving!
Ha! Funny how close we came. Yes. If your arm is better, weave a little
wounderful weaving wiebke
Training for the olympics, apparently.
And now we have no idea where the nuts vanished to, 271most likely in my underwear drawer.
Life in a country house reminds me of the Moomins.
Hattifattners in the attic, and who knows who else?
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